Friday, 2 September 2016

Sad News: Sperm Whales Found Dead With Stomachs Full Of Plastic And Car Parts

In January, 29 sperm whales were found stranded on shores around the North Sea, they were found in  an area that is too shallow for the marine wildlife. Only recently were details of the animals’ necropsy released.

 Scientists were deeply shocked and worried by what they found in the animals’ stomachs.
According to a press release from Wadden Sea National Park in Schleswig-Holstein, many of the whales had stomachs full of plastic debris, including a 13-meter-long fishing net, a 70 cm piece of plastic from a car and other pieces of plastic litter, the animals thought the items were food, such as squid, which is their main staple. 
However, there is other opinions that  believe  the travesty is largely a result of humanity’s shocking disregard for marine life, which has resulted in an overabundance of plastic in the oceans. Said Robert Habeck, environment minister for the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

This isn’t the first time a sperm whale has been found dead with  inedible contents. In 2011, a young whale was found floating dead off the Greek island of Mykonos. Its stomach was so distended, when its four stomachs were dissected, nearly 100 plastic bags and other pieces of debris were found.

It should be noted that the plastic is not what killed the young male sperm whales. According to National Geographic, they died of heart failure. This was a result of mistakenly swimming into the North Sea, likely in search of squid, and then not being able to support their own body weights in the shallow water. As a result, their internal organs collapsed.
Regardless, the fact that many of their stomachs were full of pollution is a horrible indictment of humans. About 80% of the plastic which is thrown and discarded on land ends up in the oceans, where it is consumed by wildlife or swirls for years in great garbage patches. It is ironic and saddening for mankind to be destroying other species in such a disrespectful attitude.


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