Saturday, 11 June 2016


Quail eggs are packed with vitamins and minerals.  their nutritional value is three to four times greater than chicken eggs. it  contains 13 percent proteins compared to 11 percent in chicken eggs. and has 140 percent of vitamin B1 compared to 50 percent in chicken eggs. In addition, quail eggs provide five times as much iron and potassium, they help fight allergy symptoms due to the ovomucoid protein they contain.

Consumption of quail eggs regularly helps fight against many diseases. They are a natural fighter against digestive tract disorders such as stomach ulcers. It  strengthens the immune system, promote memory health, increase brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. They help with anemia by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the body while removing toxins and  metals. The Chinese use quail eggs to help treat tuberculosis, asthma, and even diabetes. If you are a sufferer of kidney, liver, or gallbladder stones quail eggs can  prevent and remove these types of stones. Quail eggs are available in Ghana.


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